MI Tech Application Updates



Release Date: 24/07/2024

Windows Application Installation File (ALL users should install this file): DRG_4_52_0_3_Setup

TEST Windows Application Installation File:DRG_TEST_4_52_0_3_Setup

Camera Launcher Installation Files: DRG_LaunchCamera_1_2_1_0

GhostScript required for users who use Display Scaling: https://ghostscript.com/releases/gsdnld.html

Tickets fixed in this release:

  • DRG.ByBox 12 – System will set the Asset Suggested Owner at check in, based on Accepted Badge/Label of Owner Clients
  • DRG.ByBox 13 – System will set the Asset Suggested Owner for Repat Assets at Check In, based on Asset Owner Library
  • DRG.ByBox 14 – For user clarity, ‘Owners & Installers’ will be refactored & renamed as ‘Clients’
  • DRG.ByBox 15 – Users will be able to record Cleaning and Non-Separation Repair at Check In
  • DRG.ByBox 17 – Users will be able to record a Reverse Repair at check in
  • DRG.ByBox 19 – Users will be able to create Repatriation Stock Cages, with optional Owner and optional Consignment Client
  • DRG.ByBox 20 – System will validate that Repatriation Assets are only placed in Repatriation Stock Cages
  • DRG.ByBox 21 – Users will be able to create Repatriation Dispatch Orders with a defined Owner
  • DRG.ByBox 22 – Suggested Owner will be shown on more screens, either as a Composite with confirmed Owner or as an additional field
  • DRG.ByBox 23 – Select Stock Cages screen functionality will be updated to support Repatriation Stock Cages
  • DRG.ByBox 41 – System will validate that Stock Cages with Unknown Owner have a specified Consignment Client
  • DRG.ByBox 42 – Add Stock Cage Editor – various bugs when using ‘Internal Use Only?’ flag on Stock Cage settings
  • DRG.CReq24 27 – Repatriation Stock Cages with Unknown Owner will no longer be segregated by Model or Model Group
  • DRG.Inv 1 – System will hold a library of Invoice Line Types used for generated invoice lines
  • DRG.Sup24 223 – Asset Storage- change logic so that ‘Dispatch Approved’ Assets have storage applied until actually dispatched
  • DRG.Sup24 277 – Dispatch Order Details > Assets – separate column “Dispatch Approved” into two separate columns
  • DRG.Sup24 283 – General slow performance since start of June (e.g. usp_ProcessSalesOrderLine_CalcTotals)
  • DRG.Sup24 284 – Show Dispatch Order Chargeable Movements on Client Processing Report
  • DRG.Sup24 290 – Multiple timeouts of usp_ProcessSalesOrderLine_ApproveAllForDestruction (Tue 2nd July – despite elevated DB Tier)
  • DRG.Sup24 309 – Conveyor Options > Conveyor Lanes – allow users to assign Check In Categories to different lanes