Bespoke Delivery, Dispatch & Distribution Management Software
We work with businesses to develop bespoke software systems that meet their custom requirements for delivery software, dispatch systems, distribution management and more.
Keep a clear view of what went where, when, and to whom. By taking time to understand your ways of working, we can design intuitive systems that empower your team to accomplish more, in less time. If off-the-shelf software isn’t going to work for you, talk to us.
Below are some ideas that previous clients have asked us for. What could we do for you?
Delivery Management
- Create a custom workflow that fits your business requirements
- Track deliveries against supplier purchase orders
- Check in deliveries in full, or at line-item level: automatically record stock movements and manage credit items as each delivery is received
- Integrate delivery processes with third party or in-house delivery schedules
- Integrate with third party ERP systems
- Follow the full audit trail for every individual delivery received, and reconcile deliveries against supplier invoices
- Monitor and report on late or faulty deliveries
Dispatch Management
- Create a custom workflow that fits your business requirements
- Schedule customer orders for dispatch
- Dispatch orders in full, or at line-item level: automatically record stock movements and manage problems as they arise
- Create picking and dispatch notes, or automatically generate invoices on dispatch
- Follow the full audit trail for every individual dispatch made
- Integrate with third party distribution management or ERP systems
Stock Control, Documentation & Reporting
- Integrate with stock control: automatically record stock movements at each stage of the distribution process
- Predict future stock requirements at different locations based on stock targets, dispatch/delivery and production schedules
- Use stock projections to generate pick & transfer lists to move stock to where it is needed
- Generate bespoke reporting & documentation to fit in with your company’s distribution processes
What else can our software do?
Our software can cover a wide range of business processes, using Windows PC, web or mobile applications. Some of the typical elements are listed below. Because we build bespoke, you are not limited to what you see here. Please contact us to discuss your particular requirements.