Expat Application Updates


Live Version:

Release Date: 05/07/2024

Tickets fixed in this release:

  • EXPAT.CReq23 20 – Monthly Exchange Rate functionality will no longer be used, replaced with Daily Exchange Rates with csv import
  • EXPAT.CReq23 21 – Web Captions screen – allow Expat users to add ‘Internal Notes’ fields
  • EXPAT.CReq23 22 – Users will be able to import Annual Exchange Rates via Excel upload
  • EXPAT.CReq23 23 – US Tax Payments screen – add field “Prior Year Overpayment”, include in CCH Import
  • EXPAT.CReq23 24 – Prevent Users entering extending ASCII characters (e.g. ä, ö), because these are not handled by CCH
  • EXPAT.CReq23 25 – Personal Details – add Phone Country Code & Phone No, update to Client Details
  • EXPAT.CReq23 26 – CCH Export – Federal\Foreign\Expatriate Wages – extend mapping for income types
  • EXPAT.CReq23 29 – FEIE & Housing > Leaving the US – change questions, add Tax Home History records
  • EXPAT.CReq23 30 – Personal Details – add new screen for IP PIN & Spouse IP PIN
  • EXPAT.CReq23 31 – Real Property Capital Gain – add question re Mortgage Origination Date
  • EXPAT.CReq23 32 – Rental Property and Income – add new question Purchase Date of the property
  • EXPAT.CReq23 33 – CCH Export – changes to FBAR posting
  • EXPAT.CReq23 50 – Rental Property – move ‘Purchase Date & Price’ above ‘Convert to Rent Date’
  • EXPAT.CReq24 4 – Users with TT User Rights ‘Office Manager’ will be able to view a sub-set of Team Members on EH & QA Reporting
  • EXPAT.CReq24 7 – Client User Two Factor Authentication – provide email option, require for all users
  • EXPAT.CReq24 9 – Real Property Capital Gains – add USD conversion for Selling Expenses
  • EXPAT.CReq24 10 – Annual Exchange Rates – add a second source, include source information on Data Submission Report
  • EXPAT.Sup24 64 – TDO Change Log – change to keep a copy of all deleted files
  • EXPAT.Sup24 66 – Add new Security Group “CCH Client Details Export”
  • EXPAT.Sup24 110 – Validate that SSN match when submitting TDO – in scenario where Client has multiple open TDO
  • EXPAT.Sup24 112 – BHAR0001 is unable to edit their unsubmitted TDO – Columns/Buttons missing on mobile layout
  • EXPAT.Sup24 114 – FBAR Form Details Account Type – change naming of Account Type ‘Self-Invested or Self-Managed Personal Pension Plan
  • EXPAT.Sup24 117 – WEB & Windows TDO: Non-US Government Benefits > Rename as Non-US Payments or Benefits
  • EXPAT.Sup24 121 – EXPAT_LIVE ongoing timeout issues on usp_GetTaxReturn_QuestionScreen (morning of 19th & 22nd March)
  • EXPAT.Sup24 126 – WEB: TDO – Phone Number (Client Profile and Personal Details screen) – strip leading 0
  • EXPAT.Sup24 128 – Include new IP PIN question on existing V4 TDO Questionnaires
  • EXPAT.Sup24 146 – Web Captions – Users should be able to edit the new fields on records that are in the ‘grey’ status
  • EXPAT.Sup24 147 – Data Submission Report – Phone Country Code should show code
  • EXPAT.Sup24 148 – CCH Export – Form 2555 Tax Home History information – unexpectedly did not export TEST004 (due to FEIE setting)
  • EXPAT.Sup24 149 – Personal Details – IP PIN – add validation – Taxpayer PIN cannot be the same as Spouse PIN
  • EXPAT.Sup24 151 – Rental Property and Income – Purchase Date should be RO on proforma records (same state as Purchase Price)
  • EXPAT.Sup24 153 – Tax Year & Country – allow users to edit ‘Country of Residence’ (if TDO versions match)
  • EXPAT.Sup24 155 – Efficiency Hours – in case where multiple team members have same role – all hours should be given to most recent
  • EXPAT.Sup24 169 – Project Details – Days In Role KPI is incorrect after saving Project Action (resolved if force Project Save)
  • EXPAT.Sup24 183 – Allow Users (incl non-admin Users) to allocate same Signer as Reviewer for intricate tax returns
  • EXPAT.Sup24 200 – Error message when attempting to verify new account – if email includes invalid characters (e.g. + )
  • EXPAT.Sup24 210 – QR Code Email to set up Authenticator App – change to use ‘instant send’
  • EXPAT.Sup24 212 – Revert to previous permissions for manually verifying Client Email Address
  • EXPAT.Sup24 214 – Windows Users will be able to ‘switch off’ 2FA requirement for a Client Web User


Test Version:

Release Date: 26/07/2024

Tickets fixed in this release:

  • EXPAT.Sup24 203 – Allow users to progress with TDO if ‘IRS Consent 2’ answer = No, show consent answer on Frontload Checklist report