EUCAS2 Application Updates


Version: 4.24.0

Release Date: 29/05/2024

Windows Application Installation File: EUCAS2_4_24_0_0_Setup

Windows Test Application Installation File: EUCAS2_TEST_4_24_0_0_Setup

Release Notes:

The updated Eucas2 application will be installed on your Terminal Services Connection.

Tickets fixed in this release:

  • EUCAS2.CReq24 7 – SHX Port Call Status/Workflow will be simplified – removing Offer Ready, Offer Sent, Offer Successful
  • EUCAS2.CReq24 15 – Supplier Booking > Supply & Invoice – split “Supplied Qty” into Adults/Conc/Children, add second Actual Invoice Amt
  • EUCAS2.CReq24 23 – Port Calls – when User sets as ‘SHX Port Call’, System will set Lead SEM = this User