Bespoke Price & Quote Management Software
We work with businesses to develop bespoke software systems that meet their custom requirements for price management, quotations, estimating and more.
Stay in control and protect your margins. Estimate faster, quote more accurately. By taking time to understand your ways of working, we can design intuitive systems that empower your team to accomplish more, in less time. If off-the-shelf software isn’t going to work for you, talk to us.
Below are ideas from previous clients. What could we do for you?
Customer Price Management
- Maintain multiple price lists, differentiated by client type, order type, etc.
- Handle exception prices for regular clients
- Actively manage your customer price lists, working with batch or item pricing as needed
- Create price list documents
- Manage sales margins
- Quickly generate accurate estimates, building up information from product specifications and price lists
- Organize multiple versions of estimates, or use template estimates as the basis for customized client proposals
- Review the price, expected cost and margin of any quote
- Create professional quotation and proposal documents in your own branded format, to make the best first impression on your clients
- Track issuing of quotes and create actions to follow up, via your own custom workflow process
- Generate sales orders directly from quotes as they are accepted
Supplier Cost Management
- Maintain supplier quotes and price lists
- Automatically expire out-of-date quotes, or use colour-coding to highlight prices which need updating
- Actively manage your supplier price lists, including import/export, working with batch or item pricing as needed
- Maintain ‘preferred supplier’ selections, and automate purchase order generation, or automatically select best buys
Reconciliation and Analysis
- Reconcile supplier invoices against price lists, automatically making allowance for credit items
- Maintain a full audit trail of mixed VAT rate transactions
What else can our software do?
Our software can cover a wide range of business processes, using Windows PC, web or mobile applications. Some of the typical elements are listed below. Because we build bespoke, you are not limited to what you see here. Please contact us to discuss your particular requirements.